

  Community Impact Grant Guidelines 2024

Community Impact grants ($20,001- $50,000)

These grants typically fund programs larger in scope and scale. Successful applicants will demonstrate a track record of effectiveness and the capacity to articulate and measure impact. The CFMC expects to fund grants with an average grant size of $25,000. These applications are reviewed by grant committees that carefully review proposals and recommend a slate of grants to the CFMC board, which has final authority in all grant decisions.

Small Grants Program ($10,000 – $20,000)

While still following the Community Impact guidelines and priority areas, these smaller grants are intended for first-time Community Impact applicants, small organizations, or programs serving a specific population or geographic area. The Small Grants Program has a streamlined application and reporting process, and grants are reviewed and recommended by a group of senior foundation staff.

Community Impact Grants Small Grants Program
Grant Amount $20,001 – $50,000 $10,000 – $20,000
By 5 p.m. Deadline or earlier March 15, 2024 March 15, 2024
Scope & Characteristics
  • Countywide or larger scope
  • Impact on complex issues
  • Organizations with strong track record of effectiveness
  • Limited size & scope
  • Serve specific community
  • Smaller organizations
  • First-time Community Impact applicants
Application & Reporting
  • Annual report required
  • Annual report required
Review Committee review Staff review
Decisions end of June end of May


Selecting Grants

The CFMC receives far more requests than is possible to fund. Typically, the CFMC can only approve one third of requests and must decline many worthwhile proposals.

The CFMC seeks to fund proposals that:

  • Align with one or more of the CFMC’s funding priorities (see Program Areas)
  • Exhibit the potential to accomplish meaningful results in one or more interest area
  • Address community challenges, underserved populations and/or service gaps
  • Articulate desired results, effective methods, and viable plans for maintaining ongoing efforts
  • Demonstrate strong community support, capable leadership and knowledge of, and involvement in, the communities served
  • Include a realistic project budget and financial information that demonstrate fiscal health

The CFMC strongly encourages proposals that do one or more of the following:

  • Incorporate fresh, innovative approaches that are based on research, experience and best practices in the field
  • Use collaborative strategies that support efficiencies, increase effectiveness and build leadership
  • Leverage the proposed CFMC grant with other financial and human resources


Eligible Organizations:

  • Community Impact grants are open to 501(c)3* nonprofit organizations and public agencies serving Monterey County residents.
  • All requested funding must directly benefit residents of Monterey County.
  • All organizations applying for a grant must be current on reporting obligations for past CFMC grants.
  • Only one Community Impact grant per organization will be awarded annually, unless the grant is for a multi-organization collaborative project.

Please contact us if your organization has not yet received its nonprofit status and plans to apply in conjunction with a fiscal sponsor.

*Organizations or collaborative projects that are not legally incorporated may partner with a tax-exempt, 501(c)3 organization which will serve as the fiscal sponsor for the proposed grant. The fiscal sponsor must agree to be accountable to the CFMC for the programmatic and financial outcomes of the grant and have a signed agreement with the sponsored group verifying the terms of the arrangement.


Grant funds cannot be used for the following types of activities:

  • Activities that are non-secular or promote a religious doctrine
  • Academic research
  • Funding to K-12 schools and public agencies that would supplant tax-supported, mandated services or for the acquisition or renovation of equipment and facilities
  • Fundraising campaigns or fundraising events
  • Creation of, or addition to, an endowment fund
  • Payment of debt or legal settlements
  • Political or partisan purposes
  • Expenses incurred prior to the grant award date

The CFMC does not support organizations that discriminate in their employment practices, volunteer opportunities, or delivery of programs and services on the basis of race, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other characteristics protected by law.

Types of Support

Capital Support We support capital costs (buildings and facilities) when those capital improvements have the potential to advance greater social benefit. Capital support will be considered for predevelopment expenses and/or for construction costs after the agency has raised at least half of the goal.

Operating Support We may provide unrestricted operating grants to organizations that have a proven track record of community benefit in Monterey County. Organizations must have a base of operations in Monterey County and a positive and stable history.

Program The CFMC considers all expense needs associated with implementing services to produce meaningful results and in carrying out a nonprofit’s mission. Applications requesting program support estimate how grant funds would be used in a program budget. Funding is provided for ongoing and expanded programs that show the promise of efficacy and sustainability. Strong applications include Evaluation Plans with a few measurable goals which will demonstrate progress towards the program’s broader outcomes.

Duration of Grants

Community Impact grants typically cover a period of 11 months. Multi-year proposals may be considered for larger or nonprofit sector initiatives, but are the exception.


An evaluation report is due 11 months after you have been awarded a Community Impact grant. Complete the report in our Online Grants Manager. The evaluation report describes how the grant was used, the impact it had on your organization and community, and what you have learned.