Who We Are

Who We Are

The Community Foundation for Monterey County makes grants to create healthy, safe, vibrant communities in Monterey County and beyond. A design studio for philanthropy, the CFMC works with individuals, families and businesses to design customized giving plans to make an impact now and in the future.  

Your Partner in Giving

The CFMC provides a bridge between people and local needs. Our staff has in-depth knowledge about community needs and assists donors with family philanthropy, planned giving or private foundation services.

The CFMC offers a wide range of giving options including donor advised funds, gifts of real estate or complex assets and life-income gifts. What sets us apart is the personal service we provide and our interest in creating the greatest good for Monterey County, now and in the future. We are “Here for Good.”

At a Glance

  • $41.1 million granted in 2023, including $2 million in scholarships and $2 million from Monterey County Storm Relief Fund
  • $341 million cumulative grantmaking since 1981
  • $381 million in assets
  • $50 million in gifts, including $11.9 from Monterey County Gives!
  • More than 700 charitable funds
As of 12/31/2023

Mission, Vision, Values


To inspire philanthropy and be a catalyst for strengthening communities throughout Monterey County


Healthy, safe, vibrant communities


    • We advance positive change through grantmaking, community engagement and collaboration.
    • We build a legacy for future generations through responsible stewardship of the resources entrusted to us.
    • We operate with the highest standards of integrity, ethics and accountability.
    • We embrace diversity, equity and inclusion.
    • We commit to fairness and respect for the dignity of all people.
    • We are open and honest with our philanthropic partners, grantees and the community.
    • We strive for excellence in all that we do.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The CFMC is committed to being a leader and a catalyst in advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) throughout the region we serve. Read our full statement below and see resources for nonprofits and individuals at cfmco.org/DEI.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

CFMC Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We are committed to being a leader and a catalyst in advancing DEI throughout the region we serve.

  • We value and embrace the cultural, religious, racial, linguistic, ethnic, ideological, physical abilities, sexual orientation and gender diversity among residents of Monterey County.
  • We affirm the dignity and worth of all persons in Monterey County.
  • We ensure an anti-hate environment by assessing foundation culture and addressing issues of equity and inclusiveness in grantmaking, philanthropy, community investments, programs and operations.
  • We create, disseminate and regularly review our policies and procedures to support and nurture DEI through grantmaking, philanthropy, investments and operations.
  • We value and work to develop the capacity of organizations to embrace commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • We strive to use inclusive, anti-hate and anti-bias language as well as respectful representative imagery in all communications.

To promote DEI principles in Monterey County, we will endeavor to:

  • Strengthen communities and build a brighter future for Monterey County by using racial equity as a key priority to fulfill our vision, identify common interests and themes and foster interconnectedness.
  • Treat community members as full partners, stakeholders, leaders and those most knowledgeable about their needs and possible solutions.
  • Engage a more diverse philanthropic donor base.
  • Learn together and work collaboratively with community partners to break patterns that contribute to disparities and find new ways to work together for justice and equity in the region.
  • Focus on rectifying opportunity/achievement gaps and inequitable access to resources to increase equity in Monterey County.
  • Use our trusted convener role to lift up and strengthen the voices of those most impacted by inequities to ensure they have a leadership role in decisions that impact them.
  • Maintain an enduring commitment to inclusion that is championed by our organizational culture, values, norms and behaviors.


Founded in 1945 as “the Monterey Foundation” with a focus on historic preservation of the adobes, the foundation expanded its scope to open space preservation, broad charitable purposes and building endowment in the 1970s. Grantmaking expanded countywide after the first full time staff was hired in 1981 and the organization became “Community Foundation for Monterey County” in 1984. Find more at cfmco.org/75years.

What is a Community Foundation?

The Community Foundation for Monterey County: What Is a Community Foundation?

National Standards

The National Standards Seal indicates official confirmation from the Council on Foundations that we have met the most rigorous standards in philanthropy. It affirms our commitment to sound financial management, open, competitive, and relevant grantmaking, and honoring donors’ wishes at all times.